Make April the month to “Befriend your own Mind” for better well-being . Have you ever felt like nothing you do is enough? Do you find yourself saying the worst things to yourself? How many times do you find your mind pushing and pulling? It doesn´t have to be like this. Give yourself the gift to better understand your mind and find inner peace.
Join Dome Klinar and Ayda Duroux for four classes to learn about the mind. During the classes you’ll gain insight into topics such about mind-wandering and strategies to deal with it… Noticing your inner voice, accepting it and letting it be…and…Directing your mind. Learn how to become your mind’s best friend and how to nurture this new relationship.
Dome is a psychologist and a mindfulness teacher. Ayda is a medical doctor and mindfulness teacher with a master’s degree in mindfulness based cognitive therapy.
Befriending The Mind is a series of four classes starting Thursday April 4th. The other classes are April 11th, April 18th, and April 25th. We will meet from 7 to 9 pm at Optimal Living, Corso Matteotti 32a, Torino.
To benefit from the classes, you’ll need to attend all four classes. The cost for all four classes is 10 Euro for members, 20 Euro for non-members. Please sign-up by April 1st as class size is limited to 15 participants.
For more information, please contact Ayda at ayda@mac.com