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Books Beyond Borders
7 May 2024 @ 20:00 - 22:00

We are pleased to announce we have launched a new book club called Books Beyond Borders. The group meets every two months in the evening to discuss the latest book selected. IWCT members who are interested in joining Books Beyond Borders should join the group’s WhatsApp chat to share your reading experience with other members and to stay up to date on new information about the group and the meeting place. You may also contact Micol, the activity leader, at booksbeyondborders@iwct.it
Please note that Books Beyond Borders is a new and completely separate group from the original book club. You’re welcome to join both but bear in mind they are each unique and not related to each other.
The first meetup of Books Beyond Borders will be on Tuesday, May 7th at 8pm. The selected book is Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. IWTC members who will attend this meetup are asked to please read Americanah and select one or two of your favorite quotes from the book to share with the group. (Also, bring a sweet dessert of your choosing to share with the ladies!)
Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is about Ifemelu and Obinze, who are young and in love when they leave military-ruled Nigeria. Ifemelu heads for America where, despite her academic successes, she is confronted with what it means to be black for the first time in her life. Obinze, who had hoped to join her, instead plunges into a dangerous life in London. Fifteen years later, they meet again in a newly democratic Nigeria, and reignite their love—for one another and for their homeland.
Please RSVP below by May 5th to let us know that you will be joining the group. See you on Tuesday, May 7th to join the conversation about our first book…Americanah!