
Parliamo Italiano Beginner

Parliamo Italiano Beginner classes take place on Zoom every Friday morning from 9:30 to 11:00. This group is for beginners who need to learn basic Italian language rules. We practice […]

Mahjong Group

Check the Mahjong WhatsApp Chat

The Mahjong Group is IWCT’s new game group.  Mahjong is a game that originated in China and is played with mahjong tiles to obtain a pattern.   We’ll play Friday, February […]


CANCELLED…After Hours Aperitivo

Fat Cocktail Bar Via Matteo Pescatore 9/d, Turin

February is the shortest month of the year.  But do make time to join your friends for IWCT After Hours Aperitivo.  Come share laughter, smiles, and great conversations. This month […]

15,00€ – 20,00€