
Parliamo Beginners

Parliamo Italiano Beginner classes take place on Zoom every Friday morning from 9:30 to 10:30. This group is for beginners who need to learn basic Italian language rules. We practice pronunciation, learn vocabulary and practice daily life conversations. Please contact Marcella for more information.



Torino Torino, Italy

Enjoy knitting or crocheting? Join us! We are a group of knitters and crocheters of all levels who meet regularly to learn new skills or improve old ones. Beginners are always welcome. Having trouble with a project? There is always someone who can help. The meeting place rotates and future dates/times may change, please contact […]


English Conversation Group

English Conversation Group...If you are looking to improve your English language skills in a relaxed and convivial environment, we at the IWCT English Conversation group would love to hear from you! We will adapt the sessions according to your ability and needs.   The group meets twice a month; one time on Zoom and one time […]

Walking Group Evening Walk

The Skyscraper Corner of Corso Inghilterra and Vittorio Emanuele), Torino, Italy

It's an IWCT tradition for the Walking Group to meet every Thursday morning at 10 AM rain or shine.  But on Tuesday, June 18th,  we will have our third evening walk (or stroll if you prefer)! We’ll meet at 7 PM at the ‘Skyscraper’ (corner of Corso Inghilterra and Vittorio Emanuele).   For this evening’s walk, […]


Tripel B Via Valprato68 (Interno 52), Torino, Pidmonte, Italy
15,00€ – 20,00€

Parliamo Beginners

Parliamo Italiano Beginner classes take place on Zoom every Friday morning from 9:30 to 10:30. This group is for beginners who need to learn basic Italian language rules. We practice pronunciation, learn vocabulary and practice daily life conversations. Please contact Marcella for more information.


Parco del Valentino Torino, TO, Italy

The Potluck Picnic is Cancelled.  RAIN IS PREDICTED FOR SUNDAY, JUNE 23RD.  Have a great summer and enjoy time with family, friends, and perhaps some new adventures!  Join your friends on Sunday, June 23rd for IWCT Potluck Picnic at Parco Valentino.  All members, their families, friends, and children are welcomed.  The more the merrier! There […]


Book Club

Circolo dei Lettori Via Giambattista Bogino, 9, Torino, TO, Italy

Join us for the next Book Club on Tuesday, June 25th.   We meet at the Circolo dei Lettori in Via Giambattista Bogino 9 at 10.30 am. The book selected is "The World and All That It Holds" by Aleksander Hemon (352 pps/2023).  In all its hilarious, heartbreaking, erotic, philosophical glory, Hemon’s latest novel showcases his celebrated […]

After Hours Aperitivo

Fat Cocktail Bar Via Matteo Pescatore 9/d, Turin, Italy

It’s time celebrate summer and join your friends for the June After Hours Aperitivo.  This month we’ll meet at Fat Cocktail Bar on Friday, June 28th at 7:30 PM.  (Fat Cocktail Bar is the bar that generously offered their time for the IWCT fundraiser Cocktail Workshop!!) Come join the fun before we all head out […]

15,00€ – 20,00€

Parliamo Beginners

Parliamo Italiano Beginner classes take place on Zoom every Friday morning from 9:30 to 10:30. This group is for beginners who need to learn basic Italian language rules. We practice pronunciation, learn vocabulary and practice daily life conversations. Please contact Marcella for more information.



Torino Torino, Italy

Enjoy knitting or crocheting? Join us! We are a group of knitters and crocheters of all levels who meet regularly to learn new skills or improve old ones. Beginners are always welcome. Having trouble with a project? There is always someone who can help. The meeting place rotates and future dates/times may change, please contact […]

Parliamo Italiano Semi-Confident

Bar Meucci Via Confienza, 9, Torino, Piedmont, Italy

Parliamo Italiano Semi-Confident speakers meet every Monday from 3:00 to 4:30 pm at Bar Meucci, Via Confienza 9, Torino.  We practice talking in Italian about hobbies, expressing personal feelings, and conversations related to everyday life and grammar rules. Need more information about the group?  Contact Caterina at or join the group’s WhatsApp Chat…Conversation Italian […]


Evening City Walk

The Skyscraper Corner of Corso Inghilterra and Vittorio Emanuele), Torino, Italy

Welcome to IWCT’s new activity group...Evening City Walk.   We are a group of ladies who love to walk in the evening and explore the city as we walk.  Our first  walk is Monday, July 1st at 7 pm.  We’ll meet at the Skyscraper (Corso Inghilterea and Vittorio Emanuel) and walk for about 45 minutes. Because […]


Parliamo Beginners

Parliamo Italiano Beginner classes take place on Zoom every Friday morning from 9:30 to 10:30. This group is for beginners who need to learn basic Italian language rules. We practice pronunciation, learn vocabulary and practice daily life conversations. Please contact Marcella for more information.

Parliamo Italiano Semi-Confident

Bar Meucci Via Confienza, 9, Torino, Piedmont, Italy

Parliamo Italiano Semi-Confident speakers meet every Monday from 3:00 to 4:30 pm at Bar Meucci, Via Confienza 9, Torino.  We practice talking in Italian about hobbies, expressing personal feelings, and conversations related to everyday life and grammar rules. Need more information about the group?  Contact Caterina at or join the group’s WhatsApp Chat…Conversation Italian […]
