Parliamo Italiano Semi-Confident Morning Group

Gaudenti 1971 Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 76, Torino, Pidmonte, Italy

Parliamo Italiano Semi-Confident speakers gives IWCT members who are learning Italian the opportunity to practice talking in Italian about hobbies, expressing personal feelings, and conversations related to everyday life and grammar rules.  The group meets twice on Mondays.  The morning group meets at 10 am.  The afternoon group meets at 3 pm.  So, choose a […]

Parliamo Italiano Semi-Confident Afternoon Group

Bar Meucci Via Confienza, 9, Torino, Piedmont, Italy

Parliamo Italiano Semi-Confident speakers meet every Monday from 3:00 to 4:30 pm at Bar Meucci, Via Confienza 9, Torino.  We practice talking in Italian about hobbies, expressing personal feelings, and conversations related to everyday life and grammar rules. Need more information about the group?  Contact Caterina at or join the group’s WhatsApp Chat…Conversation Italian […]

Parliamo Italiano Semi-Confident

Bar Meucci Via Confienza, 9, Torino, Piedmont, Italy

Parliamo Italiano Semi-Confident speakers meet every Monday from 3:00 to 4:30 pm at Bar Meucci, Via Confienza 9, Torino.  We practice talking in Italian about hobbies, expressing personal feelings, and conversations related to everyday life and grammar rules. Need more information about the group?  Contact Caterina at or join the group’s WhatsApp Chat…Conversation Italian […]

Parliamo Italiano Semi-Confident

Bar Meucci Via Confienza, 9, Torino, Piedmont, Italy

Parliamo Italiano Semi-Confident speakers meet every Monday from 3:00 to 4:30 pm at Bar Meucci, Via Confienza 9, Torino.  We practice talking in Italian about hobbies, expressing personal feelings, and conversations related to everyday life and grammar rules. Need more information about the group?  Contact Caterina at or join the group’s WhatsApp Chat…Conversation Italian […]

Parliamo Italiano Semi-Confident

Bar Meucci Via Confienza, 9, Torino, Piedmont, Italy

Parliamo Italiano Semi-Confident speakers meet on Monday’s from 3:00 to 4:30 pm at Bar Meucci, Via Confienza 9, Torino.  We practice talking in Italian about hobbies, expressing personal feelings, and conversations related to everyday life and grammar rules. Need more information about the group?  Contact Caterina at or join the group’s WhatsApp Chat…Conversation Italian […]

Parliamo Italiano Semi-Confident

Bar Meucci Via Confienza, 9, Torino, Piedmont, Italy

Parliamo Italiano Semi-Confident speakers meet on Monday’s from 3:00 to 4:30 pm at Bar Meucci, Via Confienza 9, Torino.  We practice talking in Italian about hobbies, expressing personal feelings, and conversations related to everyday life and grammar rules. Need more information about the group?  Contact Caterina at or join the group’s WhatsApp Chat…Conversation Italian […]